Monday 11 April 2011

Welcome and About! ♥

Hey blog readers/followers!
This is my first blog, and was a total overnight idea. In fact as I type this now, it is 10:57pm in the city of London. 
  This blog is all about 'The Arts' and 'Fashion' hence the name. I am very passionate about these two things, and I feel that I should share with you what the world has to offer in these categories. Being a young girl growing up in London, culture is a very important thing to me. I love people like the likes of Alexa Chung, Olivia Palermo, Fearne Cotton, and all those amazing fashionista's. I feel that fashion isn't just knowing your Gucci's to Chanel's, it is about the whole art and beauty of fashion. The inspiration, and the amazing world inside and out. 
  But art is important to me too. In my spare time I paint. Using acrylics and some brushes, I paint expressionist paintings or impressionist paintings. Those two types of painting I feel I can express the most emotion in, or have a go at my own interpretation.
  So this blog is all about the arts and fashion scene. I will update you on what is new from the runways, art exhibitions, artists, designers and trends that you all need to know.

Have fun reading and watch this space!

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